> In fact, sound IS light.
Only in that they are forms of transmitted energy. Sorry to be pedantic.
While I'm apologising, I'm about to rain on the parade. I've always been
interested in astronomy from my father, but light pollution is everywhere.=
I'm lucky to live in a remote valley where I can still see the Milky Way
through the light pollution of Barnstaple 12 miles away, but it is a rare
sight for most people today. Many kids don't even know it is there.
Both sound pollution and light pollution it is ubiquitous for the vast
majority of people who put up with it. Without reordering society, these
pollutions are here to stay. We have banished silence along with the night=
A problem I see with publicising quiet places is that people will then want=
t drive there to experience it, defeating the object.
In my quiet dark valley, I still get helicopters, airliners, military jets,=
a distant train, passing motorbikes and sports cars with deficient mufflers=
tractors, farmer's quad bikes, and a grain mill a mile away.
20 to 30 miles away, Exmoor is relatively quiet in places, so I noise
pollute my way there is a car to find quiet. That's the irony.
David Brinicombe