> If someone wants to have a go at it (increase gain, reduce noise, echoes =
intact), contact me off list and I can send the original wav file.
That's how your name shows on my system. :-(
I've done a noise reduction on your mp3 which is on:
If you send a FLAC version, I'll do it again.
Noise reduction using Audacity:
Select quietest sample 00:55 to 00:57, normalise, plot power spectrum.
PS shows a general -6dB per octave slope with a slight tip-up
above 15KHz possibly due to thermal noise - good
Restore level, apply custom HPF filter LPF800-2-4-6 (rounded roll-off)
"Noise Removal" -9dB; 500Hz; 1.00sec "Get Noise Profile"
Restore to non-filtered track
Select whole track, apply NR
Copy both tracks to edit window and flip using "mute" and clicking "Solo"
result: HF noise is reduced, but not reverberation.
Some of my Audacity EQ curves are on
I'm on a laptop today and haven't been able to listen properly, but the
echoes seem the same with the hiss reduced. Can I have a go on a linear
track such as FLAC preferably without fades?
I hate most noise gates and expander "noise reduction" I also grind my teet=
when I hear an overloaded track with automatic record pumping and yell "Win=
the wick down!"
Audacity does expansion but this is unsuitable for quality recordings. This=
set of commands does a selected digital subtraction of the sample hiss and=
nothing else. The filtering avoids the other problem of generating audible=
artefacts at lower frequencies. The problem is the hiss, so I reduce the
lower frequencies in the sample and any artefacts get lost in the remaining=
noise. This preserves reverberation and echoes and sounds not in the sample=
which usually have less HF anyway.
David Brinicombe