Would you be able to plug an ME66/K6 directly into an iPhone, assuming you =
had the right connector for plugging a mic into a mic/headset socket? Or is=
that what the iReg pre is acting as in this case?
Peter Shute
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of vickipowys
> Sent: Thursday, 6 December 2012 7:08 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nature Recordists] Re: iRig pre
> Alan,
> All the advertising for the iRig Pre indicates that yes
> indeed you could connect a Sennheiser ME66 to an iPhone. The
> iRig has optional power supply, you would switch it off if
> the mic supplied its own power. Yes you do need the K6 unit
> with the ME66, I would recommend the one that uses its own
> battery power, 1 x AA battery lasts for ages if you remember
> to switch it off between recording sessions.
> You can also bypass the AA battery to use 48V phantom power.
> If you intend to eventually use the ME66 with a smaller flash
> card recorder then you would definitely need the AA
> battery-powered K6 unit. Rode made handles and softie
> windshields that are much cheaper than Rycote or Sennheiser.
> Hope this helps!
> Vicki
> On 06/12/2012, at 12:15 AM, symmerista wrote:
> > The Edutige does in fact do nothing more than amplifying
> the iphone's
> > sound. This does increase my students' ability to identify
> unknowns,
> > but post-processing, e.g., through Audacity, is probably at
> least as
> > helpful.
> >
> > My apologies for being dense here (ever since I lost hearing in one
> > ear I've 'focused' almost entirely on the visual rather
> than the audio
> > in the field), but if I splurged on the Sennheiser ME66 (and the K6
> > too, I presume?), could I use the iRig Pre to connect it to
> my iPhone?
> > I realize that might be overkill, but for now that would clean my
> > budget out, and I could then start saving up for a proper recorder.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Alan
> >
> > --- In
> > <naturerecordists%40yahoogroups.com> , vickipowys
> <> wrote:
> >>
> >> Alan,
> >>
> >> The Edutige mic looks intriguing. I had a listen to a sample
> >> recording but it seems to me that the hiss-noise increases
> along with
> >> the stronger signal from the mic, so it is not doing much
> more than
> >> amplifying the sound you are already getting from the
> iPhone. All the
> >> same, such gadgets can be useful to documenting wildlife sounds if
> >> nothing else is available. You would probably find the
> windshield is
> >> inadequate, but better than nothing.
> >>
> >> If you want to use a larger better quality mic you have to
> consider
> >> handling noise and most likely you would need a handle and shock-
> >> mount for it, and a decent wind cover such as one of the 'softie'
> >> types. By the time you have all of that (e.g. Sennheiser
> ME66 gun mic
> >> is a great field mic for species recording), then you
> might as well
> >> go with a purpose-built recorder such as Sony or Olympus
> or whatever
> >> (lots of references on this list), and you can then set
> the recording
> >> sample rate to 96 K which will be useful for insect recordings.
> >>
> >> Meanwhile, you can probably do quite a lot with the iPhone and it
> >> would be no worse than the equipment that many of us
> started out with
> >> e.g. hissy cassette recorders and tie-pin microphones.
> >>
> >> good luck!
> >>
> >> Vicki
> >>
> >>
> >> On 26/11/2012, at 9:06 AM, symmerista wrote:
> >>
> >>> Greetings,
> >>>
> >>> I'm intrigued by the iRig Pre. For my field biology class
> I bought a
> >>> $30 Edutige EIM-001 i-Microphone for my iPhone, and it definitely
> >>> made sounds somewhat louder, which helped for our main
> purposes of
> >>> recording unknown animals for later identification. The
> Edutige also
> >>> worked with most of my students' various Android phones,
> though it's
> >>> not marketed as such. Any chance that the iRig likewise has
> >>> unadvertised Android compatibility?
> >>>
> >>> My main question, however, is what microphone would be a good,
> >>> inexpensive choice to connect to an iphone/iRig setup. My
> >>> objectives, for now, are not to produce "publication quality"
> >>> sounds, but to capture good-quality sounds of birds, singing
> >>> insects, frogs and toads for documentation and identification
> >>> purposes. Portability is important, as I also lug around
> a fair bit
> >>> of camera equipment. I've looked at the specs of many different
> >>> mikes, but after a while my head starts spinning as I don't know
> >>> nearly enough to decide which pros and cons are most relevant!
> >>>
> >>> Cheers,
> >>>
> >>> Alan
> >>>
> >>> --- In
> >>> <naturerecordists%40yahoogroups.com> , "Max"
> <maxcatterwell@>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> I did further testing last night, and decided to take another
> >>>> approach this morning. Instead of starting from low
> level (2 or 3)
> >>>> on the LS-10, I set iRig to minimum and maxed Olympus to
> 10. I then
> >>>> slowly increased gain while studying the signal level on the
> >>>> Olympus. I then compared recordings using spectogram view on
> >>>> Audition. Although not particularly scientific, I'm of
> the opinion
> >>>> that this method produces quieter results. I need to
> re-do the last
> >>>> test tonight to confirm my opinion. I would really love
> for one of
> >>>> our techy sound specialists to get hold of one of these
> and test.
> >>>> The weather in the UK at the moment is pretty horrendous, and it
> >>>> doesn't look like I'll be getting out to record wildfowl coming
> >>>> into roost within the next few days. I can't wait to try
> this out
> >>>> in 'the field'.
> >>>> Cheers
> >>>> Max
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> --- In
> >>>> <naturerecordists%40yahoogroups.com> , "Max"
> >>>> <maxcatterwell@>
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Hi to Marco and all,
> >>>>> The lead arrived today, and I have just tested it and
> this is what
> >>>>> I've found. Plug into MIC; Turn LS-10 gain to 2 and reduce iRig
> >>>>> gain to minimum. Set sense to Low and turn on to Record Pause;
> >>>>> adjust gain on iRig. There will be no response if gain
> is set to
> >>>>> zero on LS-10.
> >>>>> I've done a very quick test with these settings, and at maximum
> >>>>> gain on the iRig, and I have to say that I'm extremely
> surprised
> >>>>> at the quality. All being well I'll do another test
> late at night
> >>>>> with no outdoor traffic, and with all nearby electrical
> components
> >>>>> turned off. I will then submit a short sample for one
> of our 'tech
> >>>>> boys' to examine, and give us a more critical opinion. I should
> >>>>> have said that the mic I used was an AT3032.
> >>>>> One thing already for the 'tech boys' is, that Audition
> showed two
> >>>>> identical waveforms; not one?
> >>>>> Cheers
> >>>>> Max
> >>>>> p.s. recording at 88.2 - 24bit.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> --- In
> >>>>> <naturerecordists%40yahoogroups.com> , "Max"
> >>>>> <maxcatterwell@>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi Marco,
> >>>>>> You are of course perfectly correct in saying that
> headphones can
> >>>>>> be used via the recording unit! As I understand it, the eBay
> >>>>>> connector socket is designed to take a TRRS jack as
> the iPhone/
> >>>>>> iPod has. The advert has MAC in the title, and also
> says 'Convert
> >>>>>> your stereo headphones that also have an integrated
> microphone'.
> >>>>>> It will be interesting to find out; I too have ordered one, on
> >>>>>> the basis that I'm in no rush, and it's easier!
> >>>>>> Cheers
> >>>>>> Max
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> --- In
> <naturerecordists%40yahoogroups.com> , m.pesente@ wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Hi Max,
> >>>>>>> I know, it's a fancy way of what I have done to
> connect the iRig
> >>>>>>> Pre to an external recorder, but it's the only way I
> was able to
> >>>>>>> ensure that everything is working.
> >>>>>>> Listening is done by connecting the headphones to the
> recorder
> >>>>>>> (using FelMicamp cable for now!), while the headphone jack of
> >>>>>>> the IRig Pre must be plugged with a 4 pins Jack,
> preferably with
> >>>>>>> the headset for Iphone (do not ask me why, but in my
> case it is
> >>>>>>> so!), because there is no signal for headphones from Irig Pre!
> >>>>>>> I just bought on Ebay the cable you sent the link: I hope it
> >>>>>>> works, even if I have some doubts because the OUT on iRig Pre
> >>>>>>> (as previously said)seems to be plugged with a 4 pins jack
> >>>>>>> instead of 3 pins, but soon we'll know!
> >>>>>>> I hope I explained the best...
> >>>>>>> Thanks for the Ebay link!
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Marco Pesente from Italy
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> --- In
> >>>>>>> <naturerecordists%40yahoogroups.com> , "Max"
> >>>>>>> <maxcatterwell@>
> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Hi Pesente,
> >>>>>>>> Many thanks for your input here. I have to confess that I
> >>>>>>>> didn't fully understand your explanation, probably
> because I'm
> >>>>>>>> not really awake yet! If I did understand that
> you're using the
> >>>>>>>> headphone OUT on the iRig, then I'm confused,
> because I thought
> >>>>>>>> I'd read somewhere that the headphone OUT was not passed
> >>>>>>>> through from the iRig, but was a return from the
> iPhone? BUT,
> >>>>>>>> I'm not that well educated in this area, so I
> probably got it
> >>>>>>>> wrong.
> >>>>>>>> Anyway, one method I was going to try, being quite lazy, was
> >>>>>>>> this:
> >>>>>>>> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330820239423?
> >>>>>>>> ssPageName=3DSTRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=3Dp3984.m1423.l2649
> >>>>>>>> To make it neater you could cut off the headphone lead and
> >>>>>>>> insulate. The only problem with this is, if what I heard is
> >>>>>>>> correct, then there wouldn't be any signal from the iRig
> >>>>>>>> headphone output.
> >>>>>>>> Can you enlighten me on any of this please?
> >>>>>>>> Cheers
> >>>>>>>> Max
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> --- In
> <naturerecordists%40yahoogroups.com> , m.pesente@ wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Max,
> >>>>>>>>> I connected the iRig Pre to some of my small audio
> recorders
> >>>>>>>>> (M10, LS5, Roland R05, Zoom H1 etc) feeding a
> single AT 3032
> >>>>>>>>> Ph 48v with very good results. I am very pleased with this
> >>>>>>>>> small microphone preamplifier iRig Pre suggested me
> by Gianni
> >>>>>>>>> Pavan. In order to use the iRig Pre on a device
> other than a
> >>>>>>>>> IOs system (iPhone, etc.), for which it was designed, just
> >>>>>>>>> plug in a 3.5mm "four pins" jack (the same of an IPhone
> >>>>>>>>> headphones cable) to the IRig Pre headphones OUT
> and a pair of
> >>>>>>>>> headphones 3,5 Jack connected to a 10 cm cable "FEL Socket
> >>>>>>>>> Saver, stereo" sold by FelMicAmp. Only in this way
> I'm able to
> >>>>>>>>> obtain at the same time to record and monitor the recording
> >>>>>>>>> with a device different from IPhone system.
> >>>>>>>>> Max, once you have made or found a cable that enables to
> >>>>>>>>> connect the iRig Pre with an audio recorder in an
> easier way
> >>>>>>>>> than mine, I would be grateful if you would inform us.
> >>>>>>>>> Thanks!
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Pesente Marco from Italy
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> "I apologize for any mistakes due to typing by cell
> phone and
> >>>>>>>>> the help of the online translator!"
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> --- In
> <naturerecordists%40yahoogroups.com> , "Max"
> >>>>>>>>> <maxcatterwell@> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> Hi Mike and all,
> >>>>>>>>>> Apologies for not getting back earlier. I have to say that
> >>>>>>>>>> I'm quite impressed with the iRig pre. I tried it using my
> >>>>>>>>>> only remaining AT3032 (really wish I hadn't sold my other
> >>>>>>>>>> two!) and the quality improvement over the
> internal mic of my
> >>>>>>>>>> iPod Touch was obvious. Most obvious was loss of low
> >>>>>>>>>> frequency random noise, in addition to the obvious
> benefit of
> >>>>>>>>>> gain. My simple tests were using my 66 year old
> ears, which
> >>>>>>>>>> aren't that good, so take this as you will; I'm sorry it's
> >>>>>>>>>> not more scientific. What I intend to do next is
> to try the
> >>>>>>>>>> beast with my LS-10 after buying/making an adapter.
> >>>>>>>>>> As an aside note, I re-tried the the Nakamichi CM-300 set
> >>>>>>>>>> again yesterday with my LS-10. This time, I used the low
> >>>>>>>>>> setting sense setting and then upped amplitude by 6db in
> >>>>>>>>>> Audition. The results certainly confirmed what Umashankar
> >>>>>>>>>> said; this is a really good quality, quiet and
> useful set to
> >>>>>>>>>> carry (shotgun CP4 with very narrow super cardioid
> pattern;
> >>>>>>>>>> omni and cardioid shorts). Whether or not I'd be
> prepared to
> >>>>>>>>>> pay the asking price I've seen on eBay USA
> sometimes, I'm not
> >>>>>>>>>> sure, but if any of you get the chance to pick one up
> >>>>>>>>>> cheaply, I'd say don't hesitate. The only downside is that
> >>>>>>>>>> the batteries are not cheap, but according to
> Umashankar it's
> >>>>>>>>>> posssible to convert to phantom power.
> >>>>>>>>>> Cheers
> >>>>>>>>>> Max
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> --- In
> <naturerecordists%40yahoogroups.com> , "Max"
> >>>>>>>>>> <maxcatterwell@> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> No problem Mike, glad to be of help.
> >>>>>>>>>>> Max
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> --- In
> >>>>>>>>>>> <naturerecordists%40yahoogroups.com> ,
> Michael Dalton <mdaltonarielle@> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Howdy Max!
> >>>>>>>>>>>> =EF=BF=BD
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the lead. I have filed it as a
> suggestion for my
> >>>>>>>>>>>> friend.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> =EF=BF=BD
> >>>>>>>>>>>> I wonder why a budget US based supplier such as Nady
> >>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't offer something similar. Maybe they do;
> I haven't
> >>>>>>>>>>>> looked yet.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> =EF=BF=BD
> >>>>>>>>>>>> The LS-10 owner hasn't said=EF=BF=BDwhether any of my
> suggestions
> >>>>>>>>>>>> have helped.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> =EF=BF=BD
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Florida
> >>>>>>>>>>>> www.ParrotSpeech.com
> >>>>>>>>>>>> =EF=BF=BD
> >>>>>>>>>>>> =EF=BF=BD
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Re: Noise in LS-10
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:35 am (PDT) . Posted by:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> "Max" oatcruncher
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Forgot the link:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> http://tech. groups.yahoo. com/group/ naturerecordists /
> >>>>>>>>>>>> message/ 49179
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> --- In naturerecordists@ yahoogroups. com, "Max"
> >>>>>>>>>>>> <maxcatterwell@ ...> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> --- In naturerecordists@ yahoogroups. com,
> Michael Dalton
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> <mdaltonarielle@ > wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The other approach would be to use an external mike and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> preamp. Is there a miniature system that is decent and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> inexpensive for bypassing the internal mikes?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Florida
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.parrotsp eech.com/
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> See my iRig post here
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Max
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ------------------------------------
> >>>
> >>> "While a picture is worth a thousand words, a sound is worth a
> >>> thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie Krause.
> >>>
> >>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > "While a picture is worth a thousand words, a sound is worth a
> > thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie Krause.
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >