They have been normalized in Audacity and now I know that Y must be careful=
with normalization to increase level. So here are the two with equal ampli=
fication 14db in Audacity:
--- In "hartogj" <> wrote=
> Hi Jose,
> This is just a guess, but they sound to me as if recorded with different =
gain settings on the recorder - a difference of about 20dB based on both th=
e LF ambience and HF noise.
> John Hartog
> --- In "freitojos" <josefreitas81@> wro=
> >
> > Hello,
> > These two files with same microphones, same day, same place and almost =
the same hour only one change of direction 180=BA of the parabola,in the tr=
ipod. Why are they so different, is it the wind? In the noisier, the second=
one the microphones faced the wind in the first they where protected by th=
e parabola? Why the second is much more noisier only with a change of direc=
tion? There was 1.5/2km/h wind.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Jos=E9
> >