> Guys, I've a really simple question.
> I'm setting up to build a number of stereo 3.5mm PIP mics using Primo cap=
sules, and want to built them for best sound quality.
> I'm using 3.5mm to stereo RCA cables as my starting point and my question=
is, in order to get the least loss of sound quality in terms of both noise=
and gain, does it matter of I solder the capsules to RCA plugs and just pl=
ug them onto the existing RCA ends, or, will I see an improvement by wiring=
them direct after cutting off the existing plugs. And...if I do the latte=
r, does soldering in any way inhibit the signal(in other words, will I see =
an improvement either way by soldering or just twisting the wires?). The p=
rimo's came from Frogloggers, so they have attached wires already(thankfull=
y...I've read that you can ruin them easily with too much heat). Also, is=
there a large difference in audio quality among different brands of cables=
?(right now, I've just bought 3.5mm to RCA from Radio Shack...and pricing b=
oth there, local music stores, and online for similar items seems almost th=
e same).
> I am simply trying to get the best quality I can for what I have, so any =
advice is greatly appreciated!
PIP mics are a medium high impedance (2000-3000 ohms) so they will be affec=
ted by cable capacitance. But as long as you're not running a hundred feet,=
you probably shouldn't worry. I get away with forty-foot runs on my Teling=
a (Primo capsules) mics.
Connectors are for convenience, they don't affect sound. Quality in connect=
ors affects reliability, however. Pros try to avoid RCA connector and 3.5mm=
stereo connectors as known weak links, but the latter are becoming ubiquit=
ous on pro equipment, so go figure.