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Re: MX391 Field Trials in a Robust Soundscape (was Dawn Chorus Comp

Subject: Re: MX391 Field Trials in a Robust Soundscape (was Dawn Chorus Comp
From: "copperfin3" copperfin3
Date: Tue Apr 3, 2012 9:50 am ((PDT))

Thanks very much for your explanation and research -- that old thread was v=
ery helpful
I'm going to wire up my MX391's as soon as I get some free time.


--- In  "tk7859" <> wrote:
> Hi John
> I've had a look through the MX391 boundary microphone guide but did not f=
ind an answer to your query.
> The preamplifier supplied as standard with the MX391and MX391W (W=3DWhite=
 colour) is the Shure RP183PK.  This is not supplied with the MX391LP/O - t=
he mics I bought on ebay.  The guide says that the preamp cam provide 12dB =
gain or 0dB gain depending on how one positions jumpers inside the preamp b=
ody.  However there is no more info as to why and when the pre amp is to be=
> I therefore did a google search and as far as I can gather the preamp is =
really a means of powering the MX391 from a 48V phantom supply.  It is not =
really a normal pre amp but more of a power supply accessory probably to be=
 used when long cable runs are necessary.  Because I am using a relatively =
short cable length (4 metres) and a healthy PIP supply from the LS-10 the R=
P183PK is unnecessary and probably would not work for me as the recorder I =
use it with does not have a phantom supply.
> The most useful info I got from the google search was a pointer to our ow=
n naturerecordists Group.  There was a longish series of posts re. the WL18=
3 (MX391 is a WL183 with a boundary mounting arrangement) back on 4th Augus=
t 2006.  Message number 23831 is the one to read if you don't want to read =
them all.
> Hope this answers your questions.  The info certainly has made me feel ve=
ry comfortable with my deployment of the MX391.
> Cheers, TomR

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