Let me apologize for my knee jerk response to Bill Rankin's departure. I sh=
ould NOT have used the words I did... I feel deeply sad in Bill's departure=
I am dead set however in filtering out postings like the example shown. For=
those who do not approve of my methods, there are other places to form gro=
On Jan 16, 2012, at 8:38 AM, Martyn Stewart wrote:
> I will not let this group turn into anything else other than what it was =
set up to be...
> When someone like Bill Rankin leaves because of postings like this then =
this is when i will step in and filter out the crap...
> We have lost some amazing recordists here only to be replaced by artists =
that I consider pretentious.
> I'll get a lot of stick for this but I do not care, If any more of this c=
rap enters the group I will put it on moderation and those people can piss =
off and form their own group..
>> Yes I think I was one of the first 20 or so nature recordists to subscri=
>> to the group. I have seen a lot of different and interesting people come=
and go.
>> However when you let pretentious bull shit artists take over and domina=
te the group with stuff like
>> this :
>> Louie,
>> "...the dynamically sublime confronts the subject with the sheer power o=
>> nature rather than its magnitude. Experiencing nature's power as fearful
>>> without actually falling prey to fear, the subject discovers its
>> superiority to nature =88 its freedom. That is, the subject is recalled =
>> its supersensible >destiny as a moral being precisely by being exposed t=
>> its sensory vulnerability. The determination of the self by exterior for=
>> gives way to its >determination from within, heteronomy to autonomy. Wit=
>> the dynamically sublime, in particular, philosophy seeks to master terro=
r =88
>> the menace that >Derrida locates at the limits of philosophical mastery.=
" T
>> This academic text explains my understanding of sublime in Kant. It is n=
>> to embelish nature this is the beautiful not the sublime.To discover our
>> own >freedom, to make the way from heteronomy to autonomy and finaly to
>> "master terror", I think the way is in nature because it is in sublime a=
>> Derrida >explains.
>> regards,
>> Jos=E9
> I no longer feel that this sort of crap has any relevance to wildlife sou=
> recording but then again my views are probably politically incorrect. I
> come from the crusty old "Walter Knapp" school of wildlife recording.
> Martyn
> *************************************
> Martyn Stewart
> www.naturesound.org
> www.soundofcritters.com
> Redmond WA
> 425-898-0462
> 47.65420118705451
> -121.98158740997314
> Make every garden a wildlife habitat
> **************************************
> Listen to the Birds and the Bees at
> http://naturesound.libsyn.org/
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