I've had a good play with your track using Audacity V1.3 and
have pushed it a bit so you can see what can be done and the
On track box down arrow - select Waveform (dB) display
I've included the scripts below to add to the Audacity file
\Audacity\EQCurves.xml or just copy the GIFs. If you alter
the code, save a backup in case you goof up. :-)
Apply Effects - Equalisation as in
This is my standard bass cut which limits low frequency
artifacts when using noise reduction. The numbers are the
slopes in dB per octave.
Select sample at 00:26.700 for 1 sec
Effects - Noise Removal - Get Noise Sample.
Select all and apply Effects - Noise Removal - 9dB; 500Hz;
Attack 1.0secs
I usually use 500Hz as it gives fewer LF artifact.)
This lowers the general HF b/g noise
Select sample 01:03.400 for 1 sec. This is a distant cicada
Again, Effects - Noise Removal - Get Noise Sample
Select all and again apply Effects - Noise Removal.
Note: a second noise reduction only works with a different
frequency sample.
The general cicada noise is now lowered. Dynamic range is
too high with HF peaks near the end.
Reduced dynamic range with a "limiter" setting of the
Effect - Compressor; 16dB; 60dB; 10:1; 0.1sec 1.0sec; make
up gain "no"; Compress based on peaks.
Now the quieter sounds are more prominent.
Listening to whole track, at 01:20.000 the high frequency
peaks tend to cause distortion.
Applied Equalization - see
Not enough - do it again.
This version is on
There is a little burbling from the double noise reduction
and a steeper bass cut would probably reduce this but remove
the pigeon as well.
I tried boosting the pigeon frequencies after finding them
using the spectogram display and applying the bandpass
but it brought up the burble as well.
The answer to the low level burble is to mask it with a low
level parallel track of the original after rolling off
frequencies above 100Hz.
Have fun. :-)
David Brinicombe
North Devon, UK
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce
Scripts to add into the file: \Audacit\EQCurves.xml
Save a backup first. :-)
<curve name=3D"HPF800-2-4-6">
<point f=3D"20.000000000000" d=3D"-26.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"200.000000000000" d=3D"-6.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"400.000000000000" d=3D"-2.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"800.000000000000" d=3D"0.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"22049.000000000000" d=3D"0.000000000000"/>
<curve name=3D"step4000to10Kminus6">
<point f=3D"21.000000000000" d=3D"0.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"4000.000000000000" d=3D"0.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"10000.000000000000" d=3D"-6.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"22049.000000000000" d=3D"-6.000000000000"/>
<curve name=3D"BPF300to400plus6">
<point f=3D"21.000000000000" d=3D"0.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"150.000000000000" d=3D"0.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"300.000000000000" d=3D"6.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"400.000000000000" d=3D"6.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"800.000000000000" d=3D"0.000000000000"/>
<point f=3D"22049.000000000000" d=3D"0.000000000000"/>