That sounds strange.
And you are sure you have scrolled dowm to 0Hz in the frequency scale to th=
e right?
You can do a test.
If you just press ctrl+a to select all and press delete. Can you still hear=
sound below 200Hz? All sound should be gone.
--- In "G" <> wrote:
> I have zoomed in the frequency and selected to the bottom of the screen, =
then select cut. The sounds above 200Hz are then removed but the sounds be=
low 200 Hz are not completely removed.
> GW
> --- In "NordicNature" <nordicnature@> w=
> >
> > If you just make a small square selection in the middle first no matter=
where, and then you can grab the lower edge of the square and drag it down=
to the bottom. Drag the other sides to where you want them. Press delete a=
nd it should be gone.
> > If you have zoomed in the frequency and that might be the problem if no=
t everything get selected, you can right click at the frequency numbers to =
the right and zoom out or reset the frequency zoom. Make your selection now=
> > I'm just taking this out of my memory, so I hope I remembered it right.
> > I hope it helpes.
> >
> >
> > --- In "G" <gwapuffin@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > I have trouble cutting all the lower frequencies when using the marqu=
ee selection tool in spectral view. It looks like I am at the bottom of th=
e screen with the selection but it actually leaves the sounds below 200 Hz =
when I use the cut command. I can go back and zoom in to reselect and it g=
rabs more of the sound but still leaves traces of sound. Is this a normal =
operation for the program or a shortcoming of my processing power?
> > >
> > > GW
> > >
> >