> Does this mean you can't make an excellent recording with an
> inexpensive pocket recorder? No, but the conditions have to be just
> right.
I regularly use pocket digital recorders, and I can't fault them for
recording quality. There are other reasons for buying a pro type
machine like reliability and ease of use and interfacing, but with
care I get excellent recording results on my cheapie Tascams. The
difficult bit is getting the right wildlife in front of the
If I was still recording professionally I'd use a pro recorder of
course, but I'm impressed with what pocket recorders can do nowadays.
The input noise figure for the DR-100 is down in the first three bits.
BTW the Tascam DR-100 adds MF noise below 1.6KHz when the XLR inputs
are phantom powered but I hadn't noticed this as it was always well
masked in practice by environmental noise. Usually I use an industry
standard SQN mixer when I can't fault the DR-100 for noise on line in.
David Brinicombe
North Devon, UK
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce