I needed a windjammer for my M10 but I didn't want to spend much money, so I
got one from these guys:
and while it was effective, I hated the fact that I constantly had to brush
away the fur from the display. I think that the small collar or band that the
Sony windjammer has might prevent this issue. But, the price was right!
--- In Jeremiah Moore <> wrote:
> Hi all -
> Anyone have hands-on experience with the Rycote windjammer for the
> Sony PCM-M10? Any idea if it's superior or inferior to the furry
> windscreen Sony sells?
> Rycote:
> http://www.rycote.com/products/mini_windjammer/mini_windjammer_for_portable_recorder/
> http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/706560-REG/Rycote_055391_Rycote_Mini_Windjammer_for.html
> Sony's Model:
> http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/667341-REG/Sony_AD_PCM2_ADPCM2_Wind_Screen_for.html
> (no particular affinity for B&H, it's merely a convenient place to
> link to a product page.)
> My story: Yesterday I accidentally left my backpack unattended at an
> arcade and it was stolen -- and later returned by a homeless man who
> found it. Most items were still there (!) including some personal
> stuff I really would've missed, but not unsurprisingly my PCM-M10 (and
> sony windscreen) was gone.
> I intend to replace the recorder and the windscreen ASAP, hence the query -
> -jeremiah
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> jeremiah moore | SOUND |
> http://www.jeremiahmoore.com/