I use my windjammer for the Rode NT4 for the Sony M10. - It is very effective.
No idea on comparisons, but I have had it out in quite stiff breezes and been
surprised at the effectiveness.
--- In ". m u r m e r ." <> wrote:
> On 2010.11.29 20:42 , Jeremiah Moore wrote:
> > Anyone have hands-on experience with the Rycote windjammer for the
> > Sony PCM-M10? Any idea if it's superior or inferior to the furry
> > windscreen Sony sells?
> i can't compare it to the sony-made version, but i can comment on the
> rycote. while it's build quality and effectiveness are what you would
> expect from rycote (ie, very good), it's fit on the machine leaves a lot
> to be desired. it doesn't fit at all snuggly on the recorder, and falls
> off easily. this is probably due to the unusual mic placement on the
> m10 (ie, the mics inbuilt in to the sides of the recorder itself) and a
> compromise to fit the windscreen without obscuring the display. but for
> the price i would have thought they could do a better job at finding a
> suitable solution.
> best,
> patrick
> --
> ||| http://www.murmerings.com |||