Thanks for the feed-back, Vicky, and the nice New Year=B4s greeting!
You write: " 12 hours of battery power instead of one hour,
plus a lightweight one-point
Telinga stereo mic instead of bulky ORTF setup of ME64s..."
That is the kind of evaluation that makes me happy.
In Sweden, thirty years ago, "everyone" should do the "perfect hi-fi"
recording which meant that probably thousands of recordings were done
of Nightingales, Wrens and a few warblers. We gathered around the
loudspeakers and could never stop talking about tape-brands and
modulation noise.
Birders in general thought we were crazy.
It was a necessary work. (Still is!!) But a unwanted effect was that
people who could not live up to the same hi-fi standards preferred to
hide in the corners with the recordings they had, regardless of the
documentary value.
My "Mystery singer at is a good example.
I had the somewhat "hissy" version for several years before I dared
play it to someone, even if - as far as I know - it was the only
existing recording of its kind in the world!
(Most clever birders tell me that it is a "autumn- song" of young
Locustella naevia, which has been mistaken for the song of Serinus Serinus)
I think we should all be very grateful for the pocket-size recorders
and easy to use mic set-up=B4s!
Not only because we get more fun in life, but also because - I fear,
worst case - many sounds might soon be gone for ever and - no doubt -
lots of sounds cannot be recorded in a future without noise from
traffic and such.
Even though I have only a fraction of the understanding that Bernie
has about the value of SoundScapes, I do hate a future where sounds
have just disappeared for ever.
I wish you all a Very Good Year, with lots of "good enough"
documentary recording!
Vicky, it doesn't need to be summer...
New picture at
At 03:14 2009-12-27, you wrote:
>Seasons Greetings All,
>Being summer in Australia, I like to put out microphones on my front
>verandah to eavesdrop on the wildlife, and to record - you know the
>drill, long lead from mics on a tripod, with recorder and headphones
>at bedside for comfortable listening...........