Hi Marco,
I do agree with you that a pre-record buffer would be of benefit, both for
nature recording and journalists, but as to whether or not it would cost
nothing I'm not qualified to know.
Just to be clear about what I do; I first load say a two hour recording into
Audition. Next I set to Spectral view. Then, using the zoom button, zoom in
until I have for instance only thirty seconds showing on the time bar at the
bottom. I then hover the mouse over this bar, which displays a hand symbol, and
left click. Keeping the left click down, I then drag the hand symybol to the
left BEYOND the bar. This starts the display moving at varying speed depending
on how far left you go (this also works the other way once you have got into
the file). It is then easy to find any sounds of interest quickly. If, for
instance, you have been recording all night, and perhaps ninety per cent or
more of the recording is effectually blank, then this is a good way of saving
time. I don't know if other editors have this facility, but it's certainly very
--- In wrote:
> Hi Max,
> really, it is not an insurmountable problem. Nevertheless, I use to walk
> holding the recorder in PAUSE of recording; as soon as I feel a strophe of
> song that can interest, I press the key PAUSE and so beginning to record.
> Probably this is a heritage from when I recorded with DAT, later with
> Minidisc machines!
> This way acting, as soon as the singer begins its song, I lose the beginning
> of the first strophe of song. Well, if it happens with a subject that repeats
> stereotypedly and frequently the strophes of song, there is no problem; if
> instead the specie is for instance a Cetti's Warbler, Cettia cetti, that
> sings in full song, therefore with repeated strophes every 3-5 minutes or
> more and never from the same roost, I almost find impossible to record this
> specie without having to leave the recorder in continuous recording mode.
> There are some subjects that sing a particular strophe in a particular
> moment, then to repeat it even after a lot minutes (for instance the
> Blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla, with its numerous variations and imitations).
> I understand that, as you tell me, I can separate later the useful strophes
> in the total one of the recording (for instance with Adobe Audition),
> nevertheless I find that a very expensive thing in terms of time.
> Until now, we have recorded with recorders that didn't have the prebuffer
> recording. I'm now using two recorders that have this characteristic, the
> Fostex FR2-LE and the Zoom H2, and I find very useful the prebuffer as above
> described.
> Certainly, it is that we can quietly continue without prebuffer, but
> considering that to implement this feature cost nothing to Olympus, I wonder
> me because doesn't do it.
> Moreover, considering that these recorders are born more for interviews,
> politicians don't usually repeat the sentences (or I wrong???), therefore it
> would be also an useful option for the reporters journalists!
> Marco