That is fantastic, many thanks for sharing that tip. I just tried it with
Audition 3 and
it works.
For Audition 3: Go to the Edit menu and select "Adjust Sample Rate" put it to
6000 Hz.
This can be repeated to get even lower.
>Hi Phil and Patrick,
>yes, it is indeed very simple to make this kind of conversion. I used the
>(expensive) Avisoft-SASLab Pro software
>(http://www.avisoft.com/soundanalysis.htm) for this, but it can also be made
>with any other sound editing software such as Audacity. On Audacity, the
>corresponding command is titled "Set Rate" > "Other...", which can be found on
>the pop-up menu that appears when you click at the tiny black arrow on the
>left of the track representation.
>I just investigated the frequency response of the PCM D-50 microphones a bit
>further. They seem to be quite sensitive up to about 30 kHz. That's the reason
>why they worked so good for the relatively low-frequency echolocation calls of
>the Noctule bat. They still work beyond 30 kHz, but the sensitivity drops
>significantly at those frequencies. So, the results would not be as good when
>recording other bat species such the Pipistrelle for instance.
>--- In ". m u r m e r ." <> wrote:
>> Raimund Specht wrote:
>> > 2. Modifying the sample rate attribute in the file header from 96 kHz to
>> > 5.5 kHz, which stretches the time scale by a factor of 17.45 = 96 kHz /
>> > 5.5 kHz. As a result, the ultrasonic bat calls move down into our hearing
>> > range.
>> forgive me if this is a foolish question, but how do you directly modify
>> the sample rate attribute in a soundfile header? do you need a
>> particular piece of software? this seems like a spookily simple way to
>> do a basic time-stretch, quite enticing...
>> best,
>> patrick
>> --
>--- In Philip Tyler <> wrote:
>> Hi Raimund
>> Many thanks for the info. I understand everything except the "Modifying the
>> sample rate attribute in the file header"?
>> What do you use to do that, if I may ask?
>> Regards
>> Phil