A couple of things about rooms and monitoring learned from music days:
The room, here, has no parallel surfaces. Built inexpensively with the
help of friends, the converted double garage space was designed so
that the ceiling is not parallel to the floor and the walls are offset
in relationship to each other and then partially covered with acoustic
tiling. The floor is carpeted and I've made some baffles that
additionally control sound dispersal in the room. Three types of
speaker monitors pairs, Meyer HD1s, B&W Matrix, and RCF 5S, in
descending order of quality/price are used interchangeably to get
different perspectives on each mix. The room was acoustivoiced so that
sound at the "sweet spot" of the mix is flat and measurably reliable
with no standing waves. Ultimately, though, if the product passes with
the RCF 5S system, the least expensive of all and the ones we favor
for our public space installations (museums, aquarium, zoos =96 both
outdoor and indoor spaces since they can be immersed in a bucket of
water and still work) it goes out the door. These small bookshelf
speakers, originally made in Italy, then taken over by Mackie (EAW),
cost around $120 - $180USD, are rated at 175W, and really quite
remarkable for their size, quality and cost.
That said, every person ultimately arrives at their own favorite
system that provides the resonance they are seeking. This includes mic
systems, recorder, and mixing components. Find something you like and
that fits your budget and go for it. No one has a call on what the
"ultimate" is or should be.
On Mar 22, 2009, at 9:30 AM, Dan Dugan wrote:
> Bravo, Rob, for going the whole way. Monitoring is your ears, you can
> only hear your work as well as your monitors will permit. For
> production, the money should go into mics and monitors--it's
> transduction that's the difficult part.
> If you make any filtering or equalization decisions about your
> recordings, monitoring is critical.
> I second the recommendation to put the speakers out in the room, away
> from the walls. And I always equalize a monitor system. A programmable
> DSP box is the way to go nowadays.
> -Dan Dugan
Wild Sanctuary
POB 536
Glen Ellen, CA 95442
Google Earth zooms: http://earth.wildsanctuary.com
SKYPE: biophony