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Re: Zoom H2 line input hack - make a 4 channel field recorder

Subject: Re: Zoom H2 line input hack - make a 4 channel field recorder
From: "Neil Tungate" neil_eurodead
Date: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:07 pm ((PDT))
Lou Judson wrote:

> I'm a bit unclear about the tantalum capacitors. At 00:28 they're
> shown on the table but they don't show up in the parts list. They do
> appear in the schematic at 01:58 but the value is written as "3u3f"
> -- I assume 3uf."

That means 3.3uF. The style is what we always used when I did
electronics design, and the intention is to avoid using decimal points
which might have been erroneously created by dirt spots on blueprint
masters. So you might have:

3u3  =3D 3.3u Farad
5k6  - 5.6k ohm
3R3  =3D 3.3 ohm

and so on. Elegant and simple.

Neil Tungate


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