Scott Fisher, proprietor of Digifish Music in Adelaide, Australia, has
made several revealing tests of the new Edirol R-09HR portable
recorder. Scott's results were reported on the Tapers Section forums.
Here's a comparison of the internal mic pres of the R-09HR, the
original R-09, and the new four channel R-44, all from Edirol. Scott
used a pair of Audio Technica AT3032 mics and ART battery box.,109081.msg1456339.html
Scott compared the three recorders with internal mics, recording the
street scene outside his front door.,108779.0.html
Scott also recorded "ticking clock" sounds. The R-09HR with AT3032
and battery box, recorded via mic input, is compared with the AT3032
and Sound Devices Mixpre, recorded via line input.,105893.msg1443847.html#msg1443847
All three web links have downloadable WAV and MP3 samples.