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Subject: Re:
From: "Kim Cascone" anechoicmedia
Date: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:21 am ((PDT))
> Thanks for sharing this information. I listened to the sound sample
> for the M MkII and I was quite surprised by the low noise and great
> sound of such small mics.
yes the sample does sound very clean and the sound stage very clear
he says that sample went directly from the mic into an M-Audio
microtrack first edition
and the impetus for ordering them
also the owner - Johan - is responsive and helpful and upfront about
the facts that there is no published spec and a pair of mics comes
*maybe someone out there could do a self-noise & sens test on this mic?

but he does say:
> The capsules (MkII) we use are build to our specifications,
> something that took time, it=92s not something you can buy off the
> shell.
> diameter is 6mm.

I just received the Aevox MkII's yesterday and had a chance to (very)
quickly A/B them against my Auris (Panasonic WM-61A caps) stereo omni's
so the test was against what I normally use instead against a
community benchmark such as the 3032's

the signal chain: Aevox MkII stereo > Sound Professionals SPSB-5 -
Archos 402 hard drive based recorder - gain @ ~+40dB

my first impression is that the MkII's are lower in output level and
not as bright as the Auris mics at the same preamp settings
but this is not a scientific observation by any means

and since I only had the time to record some neighborhood ambience I
haven't done any real recording with them yet
but I plan on taking them out this weekend for a more rigorous session

> When you get them, could you please let us
> know how do they compare with the AT3032?
as I don't own a pair of 3032's I couldn't tell you
my requirement for a rig is it has to be stealth and PIP powered
and the 3032's are neither
and why I was thinking of upgrading my rig to a LS-10 until I heard
there were issues with the pre's

my SPSB-5 rig and Aevox (or the Auris) mics both fit into a Kata
sling pouch bag and easily hidden or viewed as a non-threat 'tourist
camera bag'
(people get weird when they see an audio recorder and mic being
carried around but don't bat an eye when a video camera is present --
and while this rig does take a minute to pull out and set up
it does the job I need it to and is extremely road worthy
e.g. the SPSB-5 comes in an Otter case
I've traveled around the world with it for the past two years and has
held up perfectly

> They look smaller in the
> pictures than what the measurements suggest so also I would like to
> know if they could be wearable (e.g. on a hat).
the physical measurements are accurate
the website doesn't really have any good shots of the mics that show
off a relational size
and certainly the site needs much more in the way of audio examples

I will try and upload some short 44/16 .wav files in the files
section over the weekend

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