I've got a recording of the the wind cranking an old ranch windmill
in Texas.
But my favorite: I like the breeze shimmering aspen leaves.
Kevin Colver
On Apr 13, 2008, at 7:46 AM, Bernie Krause wrote:
> Yes. Try to find a barbed wire fence =96 preferably an older one where
> the wires whistle =96 mount a stereo
> pair of lavs (ECM55Bs, for instance) in the grasses below the wire
> that whistles and you'll get the effect of wonderfully
> pitched wind. There's also wind in the grasses. Wind across the
> dunes. Wind thru the leaves in trees. Pitched wind in small snags of
> wood as it curls around the corner of houses in the open. Pitched
> wind blowing through a partially open window. Each type of effect is
> different and evokes a
> special image if they're done right.
> Good luck.
> Bernie
> On Apr 12, 2008, at 1:49 PM, Michael Raphael wrote:
>> Any recommendations on recording wind?
>> I am near some deserts in southern california for a few months and I
>> would like to try and do this soon.
>> Thanks,
>> Michael
> Wild Sanctuary
> POB 536
> Glen Ellen, CA 95442
> 707-996-6677
> http://www.wildsanctuary.com
> Google Earth zooms: Earth.WildSanctuary.com
> ------------------------------------
> "While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
> sound is worth a thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie
> Krause
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