There are many people running those units on taperssection... Go look
around but I don't see a widespread problem.
On Behalf Of Curt Olson
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 6:55 AM
Subject: [Nature Recordists] Re: Fostex FR-2LE clean bill of health?
An afterthought...
Mike's report suggests that the problem might not be unique to my
machine. One hunch to test out is... are these freeze-ups more likely
to happen when the power is switched off without first hitting the
"stop" button, no matter what mode the unit is in? I'll try a few
scenarios. Would one or two others with these decks be willing to do
the same?
Curt Olson
On Feb 18, 2008, at 7:16 AM, Curt Olson wrote:
> Thank you Mike,
> That's pretty much what happened to me, except the part about
> switching off the power without stopping the recording. My first
> "freeze-up" happened when coming out of USB mode. The second happened
> when shutting down after about three hours monitoring in record
> standby. Both occurred after the unit had been powered up for a long
> time. The second time, I noticed that the bottom of the recorder felt
> warm -- just a chance observation with perhaps a correlation...
> perhaps not.
> No lost data yet, so I'll keep at it and report back if a pattern
> develops.
> Curt Olson
> Michael Oates wrote:
>> I got a 'sort of' freeze up a couple of months ago, but I am sure it
>> was my fault. At the end of a recording instead of stopping the
>> recording I pressed the power off switch. What this did was stop the
>> recording and I could play it back ok and do any other menu
>> operation, but it would not switch off. I had to pull the battery
>> lead off, no harm was done. Never done this again, but something to
>> watch out for.
>> Mike