I got a 'sort of' freeze up a couple of months ago, but I am sure it was my
fault. At the
end of a recording instead of stopping the recording I pressed the power off
switch. What
this did was stop the recording and I could play it back ok and do any other
operation, but it would not switch off. I had to pull the battery lead off, no
harm was
done. Never done this again, but something to watch out for.
>romilly wrote:
>> Sorry to raise this (yet) again, but the crunch has come and I have to
>> take the plunge . . or not as may be. Has the fr-2le deck-freeze
>> problem turned out to be a false alarm after all?
>That would be me. I e-mailed Fostex tech support on Jan. 9th and got a
>message back that it would take a few days for them to check into it. I
>haven't heard from them since, despite one followup e-mail asking for
>an update.
>No freeze-ups recently, but I confess I've been using other gear for
>mission-critical projects. With two 4200mAh battery packs, a recharger
>and four 4GB CF cards for it, I'm feeling a bit uneasy and a bit stuck,
>thus my question yesterday about the H2. Darn... it's such a great
>sounding recorder!
>Curt Olson