Hi Clint,
You might be thinking too much about this, but I don't know your
application. I try if at all possible to keep any liquids away from
my equipment...at all times. My recorder is kept in a water resistant
bike messenger bag. If I'm going out in the rain the recorder gets
wrapped in a large ziplock, opening down.
Maybe I'm not understanding your inquiry, but are you suggesting
changing the gender of the signal path cables to better support use in
wet environments?
If so I would recommend against it, the international AES standard
exists to make sure that all audio devices are compatible,
connector-wise. Say you reverse the connector ends on your cables, a
cable goes bad in the field, then you have to come up with a mic
cable, easily available at most music stores, but in addition you have
to solder the cable to ensure there is a male on both ends. Or if you
need to add a cable that a friend has, it might not be compatable
Neutrik does make a series of connectors with a rubber boot that seals
against the chassis:
http://tinyurl.com/yrbkqu (neutrikusa.com)
The X-HD series, I don't know why anyone would need stainless steel
connectors, normal Neutrik connector metal does not rust (in my
experience), I suppose if you work in a lot of marine environments it
might be a good idea, but if not, save your money.
I hope that I understood your query correctly.
--greg weddig
Baltimore, MD
--- In "artsonics" <>
> Hello crew,
> I have a query as to how best it is to select which connectors
> are chosen for cable ends. I realize most connectors going into every
> recorder are male 3pin XLR, however on the 5pin ends of a 'Y' breakout
> I am thinking male maybe a better idea than female for the simple
> reason that as these are hanging from recorders most if not a good
> deal of the time that a hanging male connector with a female connecter
> plugged in is less likely to collect water droplets running along
> cable length as the stainless shell is covering the female plug. I
> imagine the same scenario with a hanging down female connector plugged
> into a male that is facing up would more likely let water or moisture
> into the connection. What are the experts views on this?....6 of one,
> half a dozen of the other or what. I know a lot of the time it will
> depend very much on how we lay out our cables but it's just a last
> minute thought before I start buying any 5pin male connectors. I had
> previously only considered female conectors as this is what most mics
> accept. One of those times when you finally find what you may need and
> still not sure if you do need it and your last chance to buy as you
> see it nowhere else....and more than likely if you don't buy it you
> will certainly need it and never be able to find it again. Didn't
> Murphy write that one? I am referring here to Neutrik 5pin HD
> connectors which has taken me a long time to source. I look forward to
> members advice on this. Thanks
> clint