True true. I admit I am biased as a longtime PT user. Other programs
have come a long way, and PT has a few limitations that other programs
overcome. I am learning the virtues of Logic, but I still find PT to
be the most brilliant for editing and mixing and I use it 99% of the time.
Regardless, the point is, there is a LOT of GOOD audio software for
the Mac. Even the free Audacity is quite good. Any of the software
mentioned in this thread will be helpful.
I believe we have completely ignored and not answered the first
question of this thread:) Actually maybe we did, basically, if you
don't want to have audio going into a file, a computer won't be very
--- In Scott Fraser
<> wrote:
> <<Soundtrack pro and logic 8 have multitrack sessions and they are not
> proprietary like Protools meaning you can use any interface...>>
> Same with Digital Performer, Garageband, SoundBlade, Samplitude &
> probably a few others I can't recall at the moment. ProTools has long =
> since ceased being the only game in town & in the opinion of many,
> some of the competition has lapped the old frontrunner.
> Scott Fraser