Allen, Dan, Rob:
Thanks so much for your suggestions.
My original aim was to provide friends with CD they could listen to on
the way to work --- an alternative to depressing news on the car
radio. So along those lines I'll especially look into "convolution
tools" to mix in time lags of sounds giving them the appearance of
arriving from farther away or through a more complex environment.
But I really like the idea of a visual presentation. One could even
use text labels and closeup photos of the birds synched with the audio
to appeal to both text- and visual-learners. Placement of the
text/photo identifiers on the picture could correspond to locations
frequented by the subject (tree top, under story) and "direction" the
sound is coming from in the audio, thus identifying several singers on
different sides of the audio at the same time.
I'm a rank beginner at video (haven't even had a TV for over 20 years)
so my first approach will be a sequence of dissolves between still
photos. But Rob's suggestion of eZedia is great because I downloaded a
demo version and made a "movie" with stills and audio in a matter of
What great ideas! Thanks again,
Steve P