> Noise can be added to a recording even by the quietest mic and preamp
> if the subject of the recording is very quiet, and the gain is turned
> up enough. The sound of silence, unfortunately, is the self-noise of
> your equipment.
I suppose this also holds true for the human body. I just find it more
noticeable in external equipment.
> Raimund Specht's tests show the preamp in the FR2LE to be very quiet,
> even at full gain. See the results here:
> http://www.avisoft.com/recordertests.htm
Thanks for reposting that link. I glossed over the original post.
> In this case, I'd ease up on the trim setting. My quick look at a
> FR2LE showed that it's easy to overdo the trim. Then back off the
> gain to 90% of maximum. That should reduce machine-generated noise
> considerably.
Cheers, I'll do some toilet tests tonight with a range of trim
settings. I could not initially see the significance or difference
between the trim and input dials on this machine. I thought that
turning up the trim would effectively be adding a little extra input
gain, thus increasing the signal to (self)noise ratio. This does not
seem to be the case.