Dear All,
I know this question has been asked a thousand times before (well I
think this might be a variant!)
Currently in the market for a new field recorder (currently using
either oldschool Minidisk, iRiver, Laptop and Mbox, Edirol 09 and R4
and sometimes a borrowed Sound Devices 702). Having read Aaron's great
thoughts of Compact flash V miniDisc
( and with my own
personal experiences with hardisks, and flash cards in the field I am
rather nervous to currently go down either the Fostex Fr-2, Tascam
HD-p2 or even Sound Devices 702 route.
I am planning on doing both some 'extreme' field recording in remote
locations and also urban spaces. A current idea is to get an excellent
preamp as a front end to either a new Hi-MD or something like FR2LE,
or even my current R-09. Currently thinking along the lines of the
SoundDevices Mixpre or the 302. This means that I would have a great
preamp section and could be more flexible in the future when newer
devices come out (which the will do as soon as I buy a recorder!) I
have learnt my lessons the hard way in the past and only want to
invest in quality gear.
My question is....has anyone tried this? What are the results like?