Rob Danielson wrote:
> If Sony sent you a general URL, pass it around and others will chime
> in. It does seem reasonable to ask them to not defeat simple file
> usb drag-copy transfers-- the disc volume mounts very reliably on Mac
> and PC as-is. The other piece we need is the ATRAC decode software.
> I'd like to see it as a plug-in so I could expand, EQ, gain boost and
> transfer to 24 bits all in one step directly from the oma or wav file
> in my editing time line. There was talk of Sony providing this plug
> in their software, Sound Forge. With an oma decoder in hand, I'd
> feel more comfortable archiving the oma files. Rob D.
OK, here it is. I don't know if it was personally addressed and will
fail if someone else uses it, but ...... And you have to go through a
lot of very "marketing" questions to get to the end and the suggestions
you want to make. Don't give up.
Chuck Bragg, Pacific Palisades, CA
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