Don't consider it, run to digital.
You hear a lot of comparisons and critics of various digital recorders
here, but there is not one of those digital recorders that is as bad
as the best cassette recorder ever made.
Cassette has huge problems with self noise, inaccurate freq response,
bleed through on stored media, low dynamic range, inaccurate dynamic
range, mechanical breakage, inaccurate speed, bad media,
inavailability of parts and repair people, good money after bad tech,
and the list goes on.
<> wrote:
> I have been following the group and note the high usage of MD and solid-
> state digital recorders.
> I still use cassettes and a Marantz stereo recorder, which continues to
> be servicable. I record music concerts, family, and
> street/environmental soundscapes. Any thoughts, anyone, on audio
> quality; should I consider the switch to digital?
> Regards,
> Tom Sheridan
> Toronto, Canada