Exactly the same thing happend to my R-09 a few weeks ago (I should
mention that I have used it only a few times until it broke). It is
the fragile PCB-mounted input socket that has been damaged
mechanically. I already tried to open the unit in order to fix it. My
plan was to solder a microphone extension cable directly to the PCB
board. However, due to the extremely tiny construction of that unit,
this would be a challenge. So, I decided to continue to use the R-09
only with its internal mics.
The lesson of that nightmare is that one should avoid recorders with
1/8" PCB-mounted microphone input connectors. The larger 1/4" TRS
inputs of the M-Audio MicroTrack 24/96 and other recorders with XLR
microphone inputs are much more reliable in the field. Though, I
should mention that my ancient SONY TCD-D3 DAT recorder is still
working properly. So, it seems that SONY better knows how to design a
reliable 1/8" input...
--- In Jim Lee <> wrote:
> Help! I am in Kenya using the Edirol R-09 with external mic. Atleast
I was until yesterday when the external mic input just died. The
internal mics work fine. Here is what I know.
> The external microphone is working.
> The cable is fine.
> The R-09 will still record line-in and internal mics.
> It seems the input jack is defective.
> Any suggestions for field repair or locations in Nairobi where I
might get some help?
> I do have a back-up R-09 with me so all is not lost but I still have
several more days to go.
> Jim Lee