Good morning,
It was 9 df here this morning in Prescott Arizona, and my feeders were full=
of hungry birds. Too cold to do much so I thought I would post a few recor=
#1 The song of a male Anna's Hummingbird, perched in a cottonwood tree, abo=
ut seven feet away. The song consists of groups of raspy zeee zeee zeee not=
es occasionally interrupted by a sharper cherp reick chick chick call. Note=
that the raspy zeee zeee zeee calls are very common, but the sharper cherp=
reick chick chick is, in my experience, rather uncommon.
#2 Pre-dawn calling: Near the end of June, a Cassin's Kingbird would start=
calling in the pre-dawn dark from the top of a cottonwood tree in my yard =
(forty feet from our open bedroom window). The sessions were very lengthy, =
perhaps as long as half an hour. This is the second year that a Cassin's Ki=
ngbird has sung in the pre-dawn from this very same tree. Songs from both y=
ears sound almost identical.
#3 Western Bluebirds calling
#4 An American Robin singing in the dark.
#5 Phainopepla - A single male calling "pretty bird" and the cheeer call.
#6 A Brown Canyon Storm
#7, 8 & 9 Sandhill Cranes et al. All the same recording but #9 has had the =
noise reduced using Adobe.
Cheers on a cold morning,
Jim Morgan
Prescott, Arizona USA