Thanks to all for the valuable information as usual..
I will check out what Lang has Bernie :-)... Raimund, I looked at the
Ultra-soundgate awhile ago and the only thing that pulls me away from it is
the computer connectivity. I don't like taking a computer into the field
with me, I tried it years ago and I'm still not sold. Your equipment is
great though and the sound files are impressive examples. The Petterson
units look and sound great too but as you say Ralph, very expensive. I like
the idea of a stand alone system, I don't see the benefit of including GPS
data into a file as I take all metadata at the time myself but I certainly
like the idea of the CF ability to record onto.
Using my existing recorders with the MKH-series makes no sense to me? The
MKH-110 will not record anything above 20,000Hz but it will pull everything
in below as it will record down to 1Hz? Elephants and crocs yes but bats!!!=
How would you record such high frequencies with that idea Rich? Certainly
you would have to have some kind of specialty software to analyze it too,
Sonobat for instance..
I will ponder this one; I know Lang uses a system to record warblers etc as
he is deaf in the higher frequency areas.... I wish Raimund would make a
system without the need of a computer, there are some insects out there als=
to consider...
Martyn Stewart
Bird and Animal Sounds Digitally Recorded at:
Redmond. Washington. USA
N47.65543 W121.98428
Tel: 425-898-0462
Make every Garden a wildlife Habitat!