Hi Martyn,
I want to compliment you on a wonderfully mellow speaking voice along with
profound descriptions of the Arctic. This interview was just the inspiratio=
I needed for a trip to the fall migration of the Baikal Teal that hopefully
will gather by the thousands near lake Seosan here in S. Korea. I have just
returned from a practice run on the island of Ocheongdo in the Yellow sea
just off the coast near Gunsan.
These trips have opened my eyes more to the conservation of these habitats.
It seems that the S. Korean government has allowed certain provinces
reclamation projects that have been destroying tidal mud flats that are
vital for the feeding and the resting of birds migrating south. One provinc=
sees another doing this and it is kind of like keeping up with the Jones's.
To make matters worse, it is said that the United States military at Gunsan
are wanting to expand their golf course to further contaminate the area. I
am sure that more golf is just what they need to bring peace and security t=
the world.
Thanks again for the wonderful and inspiring interview. Sounds and pictures
of S. Korean birds to follow soon. Let's keep up the good fight.