Maybe a wider cut would extend lower.
Maybe an outside test without walls will show a better front to side
response on my mic.
Maybe we can optimize a shotgun for bird song rather than voice.
Maybe a card mic would work better than an omni.
And what the hell does the diameter of the tube have to do with anything?
Let the play begin.
I hope someone trys this as well.
--- In "stoatwizard" <> wrote:
> > Ok, so what happens when you take a copper tube and just screw the
> > math and start cutting slots into it to build a interference tube
> > shotgun mic?
> don'tcha have to cut about 50% of the material out of the tube, ie wide
> slots not skinny? I could see your saw blades won't appreciate that,
> but take a look at a Sennheiser MKH70 or even the ME64 and you see the
> slots seem to be as wide as the non-slots. Might help the frequency
> response. There agan I know jack about the maths - it's just an
> observation from every shotgun mic I've ever seen.