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recording audio on a Nagra IV SJ

Subject: recording audio on a Nagra IV SJ
From: "Fernando de Izuzquiza"
Date: Tue May 16, 2006 10:45am(PDT)
Hi all, 
Anyone have experience recording audio on a Nagra IV SJ recorder? 
As you know, this particular model was intended for scientific 
measurement and it records "direct" to tape, without inserting 
emphasis/deemphasis at record/playback, -theoretically- having 
excessive tape hiss because of that.

I'd like to know about any real experience with it, or well founded 

It was used a lot to record subsonic sources like very low freq 
elephant talk, high frew insect calls, traffic rumble/industrial studies, etc. 
It's freq resp was 2,5Hz to 35kHz, and DC to 4kHz on the central FM 

Thank you in advance, 


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