>You might also consider building a short adapter to go between
>the XVM-100 and the recorder (stereo minijack to stereo
>miniplug). I'm not sure what the best wiring would be, but if
>you attenuate one channel by 10-20 dB, you would end up with two
>identical channels where one is much quieter than the other.
>Then you could record as hot as you dare, and always have a
>quieter track to fall back on if the hot track overloads.
>Allen Cobb
yes great idea - a home made version of the marantz pmd feature -
I might have to see if I can find some off the shelf parts to do this as
I'm not set up or experienced for soldering. I should be able to find a mi=
combination of plugs and leads which can manage from the hosa site (where t=
include the wiring diagrams).
Funny that no-one (not even sonicstudios) has thought of
pre-packaging such a solution. Unless I missed it.
If I do it myself you'll get a royalty!