Hope the trip works out for you. We had a lengthy discussion about
722 powering and solar charging over a month ago. The pertinent
suggestions ranged from buying additional 7.2 volt Lithium Ion bats
to moderate weight DIY NiMH rechargeable packs supplying ~15 volts
for extended running time. Although we looked at some new
developments in solar, I don't believe anyone knew of a light-weight,
compact charging system with enough output to charge batteries of
this capacity in less than a few days. There's some info on the SD
website about using NiMH. http://www.sounddevices.com/tech/nimh.htm.
Rob D.
At 5:48 PM +1300 1/13/06, grant finlay wrote:
>Another idea is to investigate solar power chargers, I'm not too
>clued up on that department but I'm sure that someone on this group
>can point you in the right direction. You could even use the "magic"
>google search , keeps my kids busy for hours... : -)
Rob Danielson
Film Department
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
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