It was only recently that I resubscribed to this list. I have started camping
in a private forest and thus have the opertunity to secord some of its
inhabitants. The dawn chorus was amazing earlier this year and there are all
maner of wee beasties to record. I am interested in building some mic sheilds
that would stand up to being mounted in trees and such. How do other people
cope with weather and planting mics ?
I am getting a little bored with the discussion on this group of recording
gear. I know it is essential stuff and quite specific to this style of
recording but.... it dosent half get boring....isnt there another place for
this constant talk about gear ?....
Ide love to hear a bit more about recording itself .... subject matter ... new
discoveries... locations...some recordings...
rant over.
thanks for reading.... I do appreciate alot of what on this group most of the
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