Rich Peet wrote:
<<The effects are that you can kill a clutch. In the north there may be as =
few as 7 good weather call days for a bird on territory. If you chase a bi=
rd off territory with call back that is more than 10% of the season. With =
rare birds that can easily be the only day a call could have been heard.>>
Good. Thank you for a material response.
<<All alternatives to playback in the north should be the mandiated alterna=
< What do you consider to be the alternatives?>
<<That is easy. You don't need an alternative just don't.>>
It seems you favor treating all species and circumstances alike - no
ack. Is there no gray area? In your opinion are there no situations where t=
here is no harmful effect?
< I'm unaware of any National Audubon Society position [on playback].>
<<You should be.>>
?? I've searched the NAS site and find many references to playback,
but t=
hey are all specific in one way or another, e.g. puffin research. I found n=
o overall position. If you know where to find it, I'd like to know.
Chuck Bragg, Pacific Palisades, CA
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Santa Monica Bay Audubon Society