Hi Klas
>Comfort, - if you can overlook with the insanity of making a recorder whic=
>has no stand-by monitoring, that is.
>Having monitoring only when recording - which difference does it make for
>such a recorder's current consumption? Just a single headphone amp vs. the
>entire recording circuit?
>Does anyone have a good guess?
Not exactly to your query, but in general, here is my best guess:
Maudio put some beginning design engineers on the project, presented it at
AES, not seriously considering putting it out until it created such
interest. Then instead of really putting some money into R and D, they
released it almost as is. Len at Core sound pointed out that it is a
supremely difficult task to properly shield circuits with the type of
display that Maudio was using. I would be interested to hear if Dan could
had any suspicions that the source of the mic input noise to interference
coming from the display. If so, then that might be a place to start with a
modification of the MT.
Please no controversy here, just my guess ;^)
Mark R.
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