A much better physical sense of this product. Thanks!
Even though the 30- Rode NT-4's we bought with the fixed X-Y pattern
are compact and popular because of ease, I regret that the students
are not having an experience with other stereo micing possibilities
that a traditional pair would have offered. For large settings
particularly, X-Y is challenged in generating enough interesting
difference between the signals.
To embed a X-Y mic into a very expensive recorder with no phantom
input option strikes me as simplification approaching absurdity,
especially for the incredible range of uses presented by the "field."
The PCM-D1 is designed by the Broadcast division, not the Pro Audio
division most audio recordists have history with. Has any one been
to AES? Did you see a Pro Audio division or is it already gone? Rob
(I spot an HMD in the video!)
At 2:29 PM +0000 10/13/05, oryoki2000 wrote:
>Harmony Central's AES web pages now have the
>Sony press release describing the PCM-D1,
>and a video recorded on the show floor, in which
>a Sony representative describes the new recorder.
>The video is in RealPlayer format, so you may need
>to download Real's software to view it.
>The video is interesting in part because it gives
>a clear idea of the physical size of the PCM-D1.
>It's a little larger than I expected, about the size of
>the Marantz PMD660. At 18oz/1000g with battery, the
>PCM-D1 has about the same weight as the PMD660.
>I was surprised by how thick the unit is, too.
>I think most people will hold the unit with one hand
>and operate the controls with the other hand.
>The video shows mic/line input, headphones out, line out,
>SPDIF optical out, and a USB 2.0 connector. There is no
>optical input.
>"Microphones are not ears,
>Loudspeakers are not birds,
>A listening room is not nature."
>Klas Strandberg
>Yahoo! Groups Links
Rob Danielson
Film Department
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee