Hi Rafael--
Thanks for this comparison. Interesting critters. Of course, mic
preamp noise is going to be a more of a concern when using high gain
to record low levels in the field like ambience and less of a concern
for louder sound sources. To confirm this, I took a few segments
from your files, matched the playback levels and the results are very
close in terms of noise performance. A test at maximum preamp gain
with a very soft, hiss-free sound might reveal more.
Did you happen to notice that the mod's waveform looks almost as if a
limiter was on? Rob D.
At 10:45 AM +0200 10/11/05, Rafael Marquez wrote:
>Dear Nature Recordists
>I have posted two wav files in the "Nature Recordist's Lair"
>section of Fonozoo.com
>One of two recordings made with PMD 660 under controlled laboratory
>condition. One is a unit that was modified by Oade Brothers, the
>other one is a unit "out of the box". I used the only model of
>microphone of which we have two units in our lab.
>I am very happy with the unit modified by Oade Bros which I have
>tested in the field this past summer. the other unit was only
>purchased recently and I have not tried it yet (more comparative
>The sounds recorded were emitted by a Aiwa AFB-7 self amplified
>speaker in a semi-anechoic chamber. Recordings were made
>synchronously with two microphones Sennheiser MKH 416 - P 48 U 3.
>I did not have time to analyze the resulting recordings (and given
>the lack of markings in the dial button of the recording gain knob in
>the PMD 660 I could not correct accurately for gain level, but from
>the first look at them it seems that the Oade-modified performs a bit
>better (but the out of the box model is far from being as bad as
>described in some messages, (perhaps it is one of the faulty units of
>early PD 660s?).
>Indenpendently of the comparative tests maybe you will enjoy the recording=
>Warm regards from Madrid
>Dr. Rafael Marquez
>Fonoteca Zoologica, Dept. de Biodiversidad y Biologia Evolutiva
>Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC)
>Jose Gutierrez Abascal 2
>28006 Madrid
>phone +34 91 4111328 ext 1257
>fax +34 91 5645078
Rob Danielson
Film Department
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee