--- In Mike Feldman
<> wrote:
> oryoki2000 wrote:
> > All digital audio recorders introduced in the past year
> > or so have had significant issues caused by poorly
> > written software....
> All software is poorly written when it's released.
> If the manufacturer waited until the software was
> perfect before releasing it, the product would
> never release. Partly that's because they need
> all the gamma testers (customers) to run all the
> test cases in parallel, thus increasing the test
> coverage by a couple of orders of magnitude.
> -- Mike (software engineer by day)
Mike, I certainly hope that the flight control system in the latest
aircraft works properly before either I fly inside it or it flies
over my head. From my experience, that software is usually well
written (except when it isn't and the plane doesn't make it past the
first flight!). The cockpit recordings are usually very interesting
in those situations ;-)
-- Mike (also software engineer, developing safety critical stuff)