Marc, I actually have a couple of pieces recorded with the late John
Cage's group that are based on biophonies I recorded in Africa and
the Amazon if that is of interest. Composed by me and George Marsh
(master percussionist), one is a live performance (SF Life on the
Water), the other is a studio recording.
Bernie Krause
>Hi Brandon,
>just read your email and went to 5lower,, interesting fun site. I wonder i=
>you've heard of John Cage and/or Jack Kerouac and would be interested in
>recording some ambient sounds for a freeforall performance I'm
>organizing based on
>those two crazies.
>"Microphones are not ears,
>Loudspeakers are not birds,
>A listening room is not nature."
>Klas Strandberg
>Yahoo! Groups Links
Wild Sanctuary
P. O. Box 536
Glen Ellen, CA 95442
t. 707-996-6677
f. 707-996-0280