> (such as sound devices mp2 / mix pre). are you also using an external
> A/D converter (as i understand the A/D convertors of the dat decks are
I'm not sure about the TD8, but the Sony M1, the last portable DAT they
made, has excellent A/D convertors, and going to an external wouldn't
give you much. A good friend and colleague records his Schoeps into an
MP2 into an M1, and it works great.
If you really want to spend some money, you could buy a Lunatec V3,
which is about the best portable preamp made, and it also has 192k,
24bit A/D convertors in it, and you could record digitally to the TD8.
But the V3 is about $1500 or so. But I also know someone using this
setup, and it's a great setup.
The MP2 is an excellent performing little preamp.
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