From: "fieldrecordist" <>
> I wonder if the hydrophones record sounds in water which are
> simply the atmospheric sounds, like the little clicks/scrapes, that
> one hears while scuba diving, etc, not only just whale or dolphin
> vocal sounds. Somehow I fear the mics might not be detailed
> enought to get an ambient under water sound. Have you noticed
> this?
In using the hydrophones on frogs, I get both above water calls
(attenuated) and below water. Important if you are trying to identify
which it is. You can't be sure without some independent way to verify it.
You will get all the sorts of things you hear while scuba diving. Which
in Hawaii means you will get lots of snapping shrimp. Though I've never
recorded with a hydrophone in Hawaii to be sure, but they certainly were
always the background when diving. And I did a lot of that there.
I have used mics in condoms, a standard substitute. And they do not get
as much.