From: "John B Owens" <>
> Hello All
> Just a 1 cent note from a beginner.
> I have been using a DolphinEar hydrophone to record (analog casette) fish
> calls etc in local waters.
Just a note. I tried a DolphinEar a while back. In shallow fresh water
for frogcalls. For some reason it was better at picking up local radio
stations than the sounds from the water. With nearly a pound of choke
magnets on the cable at both ends I finally tamed the radio. But that
much choke also cut most of the sound. The designers admitted it had
been reported by others. And had no solutions other than the choke magnets.
It may be perfectly ok in salt water, but for fresh water get it in a
way you can return it. I don't think it's shielded well.