I'm doing some research on the ecology of moles. I wondered if I could pick=
your brains. Knowing what moles are up to in their tunnels is (obviuously!)=
not terribly easy. People have radiotracked them (sticking a radiotag on th=
mole then picking up the signal with a reciever on the surface) but the tag=
don't stay on very long and it's not particularly nice for the mole. I have=
been thinking about the possibility of using the sound of the mole
digging/running along its tunnels/possibly eating as a way of monitoring it=
activity. Some subterranean mammals also use accoustic and/or seismic
communication though it's not known if the mole does.
Has anyone ever tried listening to/recording underground animal noises? If=
so did it work?! Does any one have any suggestions for equipment?
Any ideas greatly appreciated!
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