From: Mike Feldman <>
> Then Rich suggested I join this list.
If you are into recording and then mixing compositions then you might
want to look into the phonography group as well. They don't limit their
recordings to natural subjects but include most anything they find while
out and about.
> So anyone here into 10 Hz and below?
I've got the mics, my SASS/MKH-110. The MKH-110's go down to 1Hz (there
is even a model MKH-110-1 that goes down to 0.1Hz). My Portadisc won't
record that low officially, it's rated down to 10Hz, which is enough for
a lot of infrasound. I am looking to make recordings of frogs in
thunderstorms, Alligator bellows, that sort of thing.
Unfortunately with such low frequency sensitivity comes picking up lots
of man made infrasound. So, it's hard to find a good site.
>From Tue Mar 8 18:26:53 2005
Message: 11
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2004 20:17:30 -0800
From: "Martyn Stewart" <>
Subject: Tree Swallows, Quails and a symphony for all!
Some nice sounds from the Snoqualmie Valley today, the Quails were singing
and hundreds of Red-wings and Brewers blackbirds accompanied with American
Robins etc, The sound below is in MP3 format at a reduced file sample rate,
(2.61megs) (60secs)
At Carnation Marsh there was a Virginia Rail calling out but the sound of
traffic going by makes the recording worthless, but I did see the first
large flock of Tree swallows just off the Carnation Farm road at 284th Ave.
I have filtered out most of the man made noises for your enjoyment, spring
is on the way :-)
(2.72megs) (63sec)
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