Aaron Ximm wrote:
> I was very curious though that the verbiage
> is always "near CD" or "similar to CD" rather
> than simply "CD quality" -- I had thought PCM
> would mean, uncompressed 16/44--
I guess we'll have to wait for more complete specifications. Let's
hope Sony provides a standard 16/44.1 or 16/48 PCM recording mode
instead of some silly proprietary format.
> I wonder how long before HHb, Marantz, etc.
> offer pro Hi-MD decks...
I'd settle for a Sharp Hi-MD with a "trace back" memory buffer like
the MD-DR7.
The Hi-MD spec documents state that Sony is looking to make Hi-MD an
industry-wide standard, so presumably they will publish the drive
specifications. I don't think any other company uses Sony's
ATRAC3plus compression technology, so Sony may need to open the
corporate kimono a bit to achieve interoperability among different
vendors' Hi-MD products.